It’s that time of year again friends, when we make resolutions for the New Year ahead. You know the saying “New Year, New Me”. We are all guilty of it, making those New Year resolutions that are going to change our lives for the better. We are going to get healthy this year, diet, excercise, quit partying, not spend as much money, blah blah blah. Every January 1st we take off in a full on sprint, only to come to a stop by the end of the month if we even make it that far. According to Yahoo Finance only 8 percent of people actually fulfill their resolutions. So the question becomes why do we do this to ourselves year after year?

The New Year Resolution 

Let’s start with what it is. A new year resolution is a promise that we make to ourselves to better our lives. People make all kinds of resolutions for the year ahead. The most common of the resolutions is to lose weight, or exercise more. If you think about it you can make a resolution for just about anything. I could make my new year resolution this year be that I will start a blog, or find a new job, or make more money. Maybe I should  make it be to get more organized, or clean my house more. Or how about making my resolution this year be to learn a new skill. Decisions, decisions, what shall it be?

Resolution Pressure

I want you to ask yourself if your making a New Year Resolution because of peer pressure. Sounds silly right but I want you to think about it in all seriousness. Is there something in your life that you feel you need to change or are you just coming up with something because everyone else is? The pressure is real folks!

My Proposal

Stop making New Year Resolutions. Friends, if there is something you want to change in your life then change it! You don’t need to wait until the new year to make changes. You certainly don’t need to make a resolution to do so and you don’t need to do it to please someone else. There is no need to succumb to the New Year Resolution peer pressure. We seem to let what others think of us control us, control what we do or how we see ourselves. So this year instead of making resolutions that your only going to break within a couple of weeks anyway, don’t. But what will others think of me, what will they say? I know that’s what your thinking but who cares what they think! Make 2020 your best year ever and do it for you because that’s what you want.

Welcome to 2020 friends! It’s time to live your happy life❤️


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